Infinitum is a first of its kind, appreciating stablecoin from Augury Finance. Using the technology developed for Infusions, Infinitum's value is based on an ever increasing store of value that's transparently put on the blockchain. That way, you can always see what is backing your Infinitum!

For full details read the whitepaper!

Here is how it works:


Infinitum Fund

This fund is the USDC backing for every Infinitum in existence. To ensure it is secure we have made it viewable on the blockchain at anytime! The constant ability to view the fund is made possible through Augury Sentinel.

View the current balance of the Infinitum Fund for each chain here!


Augury's Pylon is a unique farming system that allows you to single stake a token and receive Infinitum back! The first token being used is Omen, with additional tokens being added later. Even better, your stake is not sold, but is locked in the contract while the developers farm for you!

How does this work?

  1. Deposit Omen into the Pylon

  2. The developers will farm from assets in the developer wallet

  3. The farming rewards received from the farms will be used to mint Infinitum

  4. The infinitum is paid to you!

Can I recevie dividends with the staked Omen?

No, this is the trade-off. You can either stake your Omen to receive dividends, airmail, and other benefits, or you can stake it in the Pylon to receive Infinitum, but you cannot have both. Either way you are gaining valuable assets, and reaping the benefits of the Augury platform, its a win-win!