We are consistently and actively pursuing continual auditing to make sure Augury Finance remains a safe and reliable platform for all investors. We aim to have quarterly audits by top auditors.

We started with the well known MasterChef for our base contract, because the MasterChef has been heavily audited and is currently used in production today.

Rug-Pull prevention

Migrator Code removed

We have completely removed the migration capability within our contracts so that users are protected against an exploit that could cause a loss of funds. Once you stake your funds with us, no one at Augury Finance can move (or remove) them.

Emergency Withdrawal

If something happens to Augury Finance front-end such as a DDoS attack or a temporary outage, farmers can still withdraw their tokens by interacting directly with the MasterAugur contract.

How to call the Emergency Withdraw function?

In order to use the emergencyWithdraw function you need to know the address of the Masterchef contract and your pool number.

Masterchef: 0x6ad70613d14c34aa69E1604af91c39e0591a132e

Open https://polygonscan.com/ and go to the masterchef contract.

Double click the contract and select the ‘’Write contract’’ button.

After that you will see Connect Web3 link. Click and connect it with you metamask. Please be sure you are using the correct account fort his process.

Now you are connected to the masterchef contract. Visit the number 5 and write down the pool-id , which is shown below the list.


After clicking write ,sign and approve transactions from metamask. You have your funds back.

Use the farm or pool ID listed below to withdraw your staked tokens:

Pool Pool ID
Omen 0
USDC-Omen 1
wMatic 2
wBTC 3
wETH 4
Quick 5
Fish 6
Dai 9
PolyDoge 10
Link 11
AGA 12
AGAr 13
AGAc 14
AGAcr 15
Sushi 16
wEth-Omen 17
wMatic-Omen 18

Infusions Emergency Withdrawal